Expo 2025 Official Experiential Travel Guides

(Service provider name)

  • JTB Corp.

As a service that participates in data utilisation initiatives, this service has conducted a VPIA in order to increase the transparency of data handling. In addition to the excerpts from the VPIA report, in which the service provider has assessed the benefits and privacy considerations when using their service, the results of a third-party assessment of the VPIA report are also available on this website. Please review this information for your reference when using this service. Click here to learn more about VPIA.

This service provider has conducted its own assessment of the value of the service, its data handling practices and its measures against the anticipated risks. The following are the excerpts from the report.

1. Service Values

(1)Service Outline

Aiming to promote “the Expo plus national tourism”, this portal site will deliver information on local tourism and travel packages directly to prospective Expo visitors by listing high value-added products that are associated with the Expo theme while providing a high level of satisfaction.
This portal site will provide information on how to explore and spend time in Japan related to the Expo’s theme to tourists who visit the Expo from home and abroad as well as aim to encourage them to explore all around Japan.
In addition to making reservations by date, time, and location, users can also search by multiple genres related to the Expo’s theme, “Designing Future Society for Our Lives” and experience the Expo theme through introduction of travel packages related to the Expo theme in each region and information on local events.

Functions Provided

Users can browse introductory articles and videos on attractions of the region.

Users can browse event information via event calendar.

Users can Search, book, purchase travel packages related to the Expo theme.

(2)Service Benefits

Benefits that can be provided to individual users
Provide information to encourage visit to the regions in JapanUsers can find information on local attractions and events that will inspire them to visit from the Expo to various regions of Japan.
Realise seamless product search, booking and paymentUsers can seamlessly search, book and pay for attractive experience packages and tourist facilities all around Japan.
Provide information on travel route to destinationUsers can plan tour efficiently by using function to check the route to the destination of each travel product.
Benefits that can be provided to society
Provide region with opportunity to reach out directly to prospective visitors from home and abroadProvide each region with an opportunity to promote a variety of appealing experiential products that are specific to the region, which have been commercialised in a regionally integrated manner by taking advantage of the Expo
Boost consumption by sending visitors to the regionContribute to the spread of the “Expo Effect” throughout Japan by sending the Expo visitors to the regions through provision of information and sales of travel products on the portal site
Utilise data to study future regional revitalisation measuresIt is expected that operator of this portal site will analyse the data collected through this service to comprehend the purchasing trends of products by attributes etc., and utilise this analysis to study future regional revitalisation measures to connect visitors to the region.

2.Data Handling

(Data to be acquired and the purpose of use)

Data to be acquired

 ⚫︎ : Data to be acquired via ExpoID data linkage  : Data to be acquired directly from the user

 ⚫︎ : Data to be acquired via ExpoID data linkage
  : Data to be acquired directly from the user

  • ExpoID registration information (name, date of birth, country of residence, email address, telephone number, etc.) ⚫︎
  • Information necessary to book and pay for products (credit card infomration, etc.) 
Purpose of use
  • To authenticate and identify the user
  • To book and purchase products on this portal site
  • To respond to user queries regarding the service
  • To develop, improve and enhance future products and services

3.Major Risk Measures

1Post Q&As to answer users’ questions when using the siteQ&A section is posted on the portal site to help users resolve any questions they may have themselves in order to make the portal site easier to use.
2Provide multilingual support for overseas usersIn addition to Japanese, the site is available in English, Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Korean, which are considered to be the most popular languages among users.
*For other languages, users are intended to use browser’s translation tool.
Make efforts to make it easier for users to understand data items to be acquired and purpose of useEfforts are made to help users easily recognise the data items to be acquired and the purpose of their use, for example by improving the structure of Terms of Use (Privacy Policy) and screens where precautions are displayed prior to booking and purchasing products to make them more visible for users.
Introduce function to restrict users under 16 from booking and purchasing productsIn order to restrict use of service by users under 16 years of age, a function is introduced to restrict bookings and purchases by displaying an error screen if the registered information indicates that the user is under 16 years of age.
Disclose initiatives for the management of personal data The content of the security measures in relation with personal data is stated in the Privacy Policy to make it easy for the users to recognise.

Third-party VPIA Community members assess the VPIA report from their own perspective on whether the report explains the details in a way that users can understand. Click here to learn more about VPIA Community.

(with the titles omitted and the names listed in Japanese syllabary order)



  • Director, Research Institute for Consumer Affairs, Nippon Association of Consumer Specialists
  • Director, Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization
    Administrative Office, Foundation for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community

Category of Viewpoints:Consumer

I found this portal site to be beneficial as it provides prospective Expo visitors with direct access to the information on local tourism and related travel products, and I believe it will encourage them to visit various regions in Japan based on the information they receive from this portal.
Also, the search function is designed to make it easy for users to find the information they want to acquire. As it is important for the users to go smoothly from booking to payment, it is expected that follow-up service as well as the system will be further improved.

Read More

Is the overview of the service understandable?

Is the benefits provided by the service understandable?

Is the overall picture of the service’s data handling understandable?

Are acquired data items and purpose of use understandable?

Is the risks anticipated from the user’s perspective understandable?

Are the countermeasures against anticipated risk understandable?



  • Specially-Appointed Assistant Professor, Osaka University Research Centre on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues

Category of Viewpoints:Society and Ethics

This service aims to revitalise the region by providing and facilitating access to information on local events and travel products for potential Expo visitors from home and abroad.
Also, data collected will be analysed and used for the development and delivery of future products and services.
There are products that need users to provide sensitive information, but there are also privacy considerations that include keeping collected data to a minimum.

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Is the overview of the service understandable?

Is the benefits provided by the service understandable?

Is the overall picture of the service’s data handling understandable?

Are acquired data items and purpose of use understandable?

Is the risks anticipated from the user’s perspective understandable?

Are the countermeasures against anticipated risk understandable?

SAKUMA Hiroshi


  • Impact Officer at Global Shapers Community Osaka Hub, the World Economic Forum
  • Specially Appointed Researcher at the Social Solution Initiative, Osaka University

Category of Viewpoints:Youth

This service provides the features for visitors from home and abroad to enjoy sightseeing in Japan in conjunction with the Expo.
Through the functions such as special features of local attractions in Japan and activity search, the service is expected to lead to the revitalisation of regions by linking the Expo and tourism.
It has been learnt that the service will provide information on how to enjoy the Expo as a new opportunity for sightseeing through functions that provide information on local areas and search for related travel packages.
Personal information necessary to use the service will be collected, in some cases including credit card details to enable the purchase of products. It is therefore advisable to carefully consider what kind of data will be collected before using the service.

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Is the overview of the service understandable?

Is the benefits provided by the service understandable?

Is the overall picture of the service’s data handling understandable?

Are acquired data items and purpose of use understandable?

Is the risks anticipated from the user’s perspective understandable?

Are the countermeasures against anticipated risk understandable?



  • Global Shapers Community Osaka Hub, the World Economic Forum
  • CEO, Darajapan Inc.

Category of Viewpoints:International

The content of the service, including providing multilingual support and FAQs, and anticipated risks from the user’s perspective were all clear The specific procedures and detailed content of some risk measures were not clearly explained, but were understood after additional explanations.
It would be even easier for users to understand if the mechanism and specific procedures for re-displaying of the information entered at the time of booking were clarified.

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Is the overview of the service understandable?

Is the benefits provided by the service understandable?

Is the overall picture of the service’s data handling understandable?

Are acquired data items and purpose of use understandable?

Is the risks anticipated from the user’s perspective understandable?

Are the countermeasures against anticipated risk understandable?



  • Project Researcher, Tokyo University Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies

Category of Viewpoints:Data Linkage

This service is designed to further ehance the value of the Expo being held by offering the visitors experiences outside the Expo.
The privacy considerations regarding data used in the proposed scope of the service were generally explained in a clear and well-organised manner.
Compared to general portal services that suggest recommended products tailored to each individual’s attributes, this service is considered to be rather restrained in its service design.
Therefore, it is hoped that this restrained service design will be carefully communicated to the users, thereby fostering further reassurance among them.

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Is the overview of the service understandable?

Is the benefits provided by the service understandable?

Is the overall picture of the service’s data handling understandable?

Are acquired data items and purpose of use understandable?

Is the risks anticipated from the user’s perspective understandable?

Are the countermeasures against anticipated risk understandable?

Comments and Feedback

Please tell us your opinions and feedbacks on the VPIA report of this service and the result of the assessment.
Your comments and feedback will be used as a reference for improving our future activities.
Please note that in principle we will not respond to individual messages.
*Please refrain from entering personal information in this section.

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