About Data Utilisation

Data Utilisation Initiatives in Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan

Data Utilisation Initiatives in
Expo 2025
Osaka, Kansai, Japan

Recognising the Expo as an opportunity to explore the future of society, we will promote the data utilisation initiative based on the Expo’s concept of “People’s Living Lab”.

In order to examine specific measures for this initiative, Data Utilisation Expert Committee was established and after discussions with experts, Data Utilisation Guidelines were formulated. We will promote co-creation by linking various types of data generated through the experience of participating in the Expo between participants and strive to improve visitor services and leverage to better operate the Expo site in accordance with these guidelines.
Note: Data related to the users will only be linked if the users have given their consent.

Overview of Data Utlisation

Overview of Data Utlisation

Scope of Organisations Participating in Data Utilisation

Scope of Organisations
Participating in Data Utilisation

Only those organisations providing services at the Expo that wish to do so will participate in this initiative. As data utilisation participants, those organisations will provide their services after taking the necessary actions in accordance with the processes set out in the Data Utilisation Guidelines.

Scope of Application of Data Utilisation Guidelines

Scope of Application of Data Utilisation Guidelines

Data Utilisation Guidelines

The guidelines set out a philosophy that serves as a common benchmark for data utilisation participants to promote value co-creation based on data, in line with the Expo’s sub-theme, “Connecting Lives”.



To accomplish a sustainable society where the balancing of protection and use of data promotes value co-creation and enables individuals to demonstrate their brilliance and diversity to resonate

To seek a future society where daily living, business, and the entire society are enriched as people and information around the world are connected with each other, and to provide opportunities to put such a society into practice

To share diverse and pluralistic value and promote the creation of new value by establishing rules on data utilisation that reassure all people, and by developing a mechanism to reflect each individual’s will

To accomplish a sustainable society where the balancing of protection and use of data promotes value co-creation and enables individuals to demonstrate their brilliance and diversity to resonate

To seek a future society where daily living, business, and the entire society are enriched as people and information around the world are connected with each other, and to provide opportunities to put such a society into practice

To share diverse and pluralistic value and promote the creation of new value by establishing rules on data utilisation that reassure all people, and by developing a mechanism to reflect each individual’s will

Together with the philosophy of data utilisation, we have also established the principles to promote value co-creation through the reliable data utilisation that balances the protection and use of data.

TRUST – 5 Principles for Data Utilisation

TRUST – 5 Principles
for Data Utilisation

5 Principles for Data Utilisation

*Click here to learn more about TRUST.

Following measures are implemented based on 5 Principles of Data Utlisation “TRUST”.

Relation between 5 principles “TRUST” and measures to be implemented

Relation between 5 principles “TRUST”
and measures to be implemented

A Value and Privacy Impact Assessment (VPIA) is a tool for data utilisation participants to assess the value and privacy considerations of the services they provide prior to the provision of the services. Of the services participating in this initiative, those that handle data related to the user are subject to the VPIA.

Concept Image of User’s Operation in Setting Up Data Linkage

Concept Image of User’s
Operation in Setting Up Data Linkage

Users are able to select which of the services provided by data utilisation participants to link their data to, and by setting up data linkage, they can easily utilise various services related to the Expo.
When using the services, user can review the results of the assessment of benefits and privacy considerations of each service and begin using them after agreeing to the data linkage.
The user can cancel the linkage at any time, even after it has been set up.

Sample Screens of the Operation by the User

Sample Screens of the Operation
by the User

*Note: Screens shown below are samples and differ from the actual screens.

Agree to the service’s terms and conditions

Review the results of the assessment as reference information and consent to data linkage

Start using the service

Agree to the service’s terms and conditions

Review the results of the assessment as reference information and consent to data linkage

Start using the service