Terms and Conditions

Communication Website Terms of Use

These Terms of Use for the Communication Website (hereinafter referred to as these ” Terms”) sets forth the conditions etc. when Users access to the Communication Website (hereinafter referred to as this “Website”) operated by Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”). By using this Website, Users shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the provisions of these Terms. These Terms are prepared in Japanese. In the event of any discrepancy between these Terms prepared in Japanese and the content of these Terms translated into English provided by the Association, the Japanese provisions shall prevail.

Article 1 (Purpose of this Website)

The principal purpose of this Website is to publish and disseminate information on the data utilisation initiative (hereinafter referred to as this “Initiative”) promoted by the Association.

Article 2 (Prohibitions)

When using this Website, Users may not conduct any of the following acts:


Act in violation of laws and regulations, court decisions, decisions or orders, or administrative measures that are binding under laws and regulations, and any act that may encourage such acts;


Act of fraud or threat to the Association, other Users or other third parties;


Act against public order and morals;


Act that infringes upon the intellectual property rights, trade secrets, restricted access data, image rights, privacy, reputation, and other rights or interests of the Association, other Users or any other third parties (including activities causing these infringements directly or indirectly including behaviour that directly or indirectly cause such infringements);


Act to provide any of the following content to the Association without obtaining prior written consent from the Association;


Content including excessive violent or cruel expressions


Content including computer viruses or other harmful computer programmes


Content including expressions which damage the honour or reputation of the Association


Content including excessively obscene expressions


Content including expressions that encourage discrimination


Content including expressions that encourage suicide or self-mutilation


Content including expressions that encourage inappropriate use of drugs


Content including anti-social expressions


Content including expressions that may cause others discomfort


Act that may hinder or impede the operation of network, system and the like of this Website;


Act of unauthorised access to the Association’s networks, systems and the like and alteration or deletion of information accumulated on the Association’s equipment or other acts that incur a damage to the Association;


Act that causes disadvantage, damage or discomfort to the Association, other Users or other third parties


Act that conflicts with these Terms


Other acts deemed inappropriate by the Association

Article 3 (Suspension of Operation of this Website)

The Association may suspend or interrupt the operation of all or part of this Website if it deems it necessary to stop or interrupt this Website in order to conduct periodic inspections or maintenance work on this Website or the systems related to this Website.

Article 4 (Intellectual Property Rights)

The copyrights to the content, images, videos, designs and other works on this Website or the other copyrighted material related to this Website shall be owned by the Association or the sponsors or the right holder who has been licensed to post to this Website and Users shall not reproduce and use these copyrighted materials without permission.

Article 5 (Change and Termination of this Website)

The Association may change the content of, or terminate the provision of, this Website by the Association’s convenience.

Article 6 (Indemnification)

Users shall use this Website at the Users’ own responsibility and the Association shall not be liable for any actions or the consequences arising from or in connection with the information on this Website.

Article 7 (Handling of Personal Information)

The Association shall appropriately handle personal information obtained in connection with the use of this Website in accordance with the Association’s “Privacy Policy” (www.expo2025.or.jp/privacy/).

When the Association terminates the operation of this Website, the Association shall delete all personal data provided to and managed by the Association for the operation of this Website.

Article 8 Amendment of the Terms of Use

When deemed necessary, the Association may amend these Terms. In which case, if User continues to use this Website after a change to these Terms, User shall be deemed to have agreed to the amended Terms.

Article 9 Survival Clause

Users may use this Website until November 30, 2025.

The Association may extend the period of use referred to in paragraph 1 in accordance with the procedures set out in Article 8.

Articles 6, 7 and 11 shall remain in force even after the expiry of the period of this Website referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, its termination under Article 5 or its termination for any other reason.

Article 10 (Possibility of Separation)

If any provision or part of a provision of these Terms is found by law to be invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions shall remain in force.

Article 11 (Governing Law/Jurisdiction)

These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

The Osaka District Court have exclusive agreed jurisdiction for the first instance over any dispute between Users and the Association in connection with this Website.

Supplementary Provision (Established/enforced on) September 18, 2024